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Lestr leverages more than 10 years of R&D with leading institutes in Digital Sciences and Technology in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and fraud detection.


All companies realise the tremendous business potential of Big Data. But moving from principles to practice is difficult, mainly due to the management of the variety of data (in terms of origin, structure, syntax, semantic and quality).
This Big Data variety challenge already takes up to 70% of the time of data-scientists and data-analysts on data preparation tasks. And it will keep expanding with growing number of sources and variety...


Based on 10 years of R&D with worldwide leading research labs on semantic web and Big Data technologies, we bring an innovative answer to this crucial challenge.
Our technology dynamically generates the workflow of operations on data sources (query, clean, join, enrich, transform, reconciliate) allowing users to retrieve smart data.


At the core of our technology is an easily configurable semantic graph model that represents the specific information business logic.

On this semantic graph, users can:
  • specify business rules as the different matching keys to guarantee entities unicity between the different data sources.
  • map the different data sources by connecting all their pieces of data to the corresponding nodes in the graph.

Then, data-analysts or data-scientists just have to specify their queries on this semantic model. Each query is rewrited in an execution plan in charge of the construction of responses.


Lestr relies on this technology to provide in an efficient way a 360° view of each shipment based on a real-time data collection from a multitude of data sources. In this purpose, the semantic graph, on which the relevant data sources are connected, represents the informational universe of shipments. It is inspired by the standards established by the Digital Container Shipping Association (DCSA) that we enriched on a regular basis to integrate the different natures of risks linked to maritime transportation.
Beyond data fusion, this technology provides Lestr with up-to-date and quality data in order to carry out fine-grained analysis of your shipments. Lestr leverages the latest advances in artificial intelligence to detect anomalies in your shipments. Among the anomalies detected, Lestr is particularly interested in the analysis of the price of the goods involved in the transactions. Recent sudies show that international trade is one of the main vectors of money laundering and terrorist financing across the world through the mis-invoicing of shipped goods.


Our technology is largely recognised for its breakthrough innovation as evidenced by the numerous data processing innovation awards won and the large track record of credentials with leading international companies.
We are also supported by the DGA (a department of the French Ministry of Armed Forces) in the context of multi-year financing programmes to strengthen our technological edge.


AWARD 2013
EBG TOP 10 2015

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